"Why don't your films have slow motion?"

So there are a couple reasons. The first being that I want it to feel like you are reliving your day when you watch your film. Now that cameras have super slow motion in 4K, lots of companies just film at high framerates all day. You have probably noticed by now in the planning process that at least half of the videos you have watched are almost entirely in slow motion. I can't help but feeling that decades from now, children and grandchildren are going to be watching their parents' or grandparents' wedding films from "the 20s" and wondering why the hell the whole thing is in slow mo lol. I feel that a film is much more grounded in reality if it isn't entirely in slow motion. That's not to say that I don't slow down some clips here or there, but it's more like 80% speed. Just enough for dramatic effect, while still grounded in reality.